搜索Kim Johnston Ulrich的結果,共169筆,(花費0.001957秒).

3 years ago
grid is the most visible when ur in the margin. the director handles the relationship with Kim in such a respectful way 2020.02.11 @moma
2 years ago
grid is the most visible when ur in the margin. the director handles the relationship with Kim in such a respectful way 2020.02.11 @moma
2 years ago
grid is the most visible when ur in the margin. the director handles the relationship with Kim in such a respectful way 2020.02.11 @moma
2 years ago
grid is the most visible when ur in the margin. the director handles the relationship with Kim in such a respectful way 2020.02.11 @moma
1 year ago
好看子 很4k kim說老孃有錢有人脈要把sextape全毀了帥呆了好伐 drama goes on
1 year ago
好看子 很4k kim說老孃有錢有人脈要把sextape全毀了帥呆了好伐 drama goes on
1 year ago
好看子 很4k kim說老孃有錢有人脈要把sextape全毀了帥呆了好伐 drama goes on
1 year ago
好看子 很4k kim說老孃有錢有人脈要把sextape全毀了帥呆了好伐 drama goes on
5 years ago
我的大腦被徹底吹噓,想知道誰真的更瘋狂...... Rodman或Kim ?????????我強烈建議大家提供教育娛樂/價值
4 years ago
kim jae young!!!! he appears only a few scenes, but he steals my whole heart. so handsome, cool and talented. love you, my actor! great casts, great story. i enjoyed this movie. t...
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
4 years ago
雖然某些地方看起來有些傻,不過整體還是挺有喜劇效果的。Dan Aykroyd + Kim Basinger,兩人的對手戲特有趣。接吻的段落實在太搞笑了。
3 years ago
Kim Rossi Stuart在這部電影中的表現, 就如一頭\"性感的野獸\"。不得不說的是, 他在片尾露出的笑容很酷。他說:\"我不是個壞人,只不過我的陰暗面更為人所知。\"

用戶 Uurygrhnnt寂寞鋼琴師 Piano, Solo 的評價.

3 years ago
空洞乏味毫無邏輯,絕世帥哥的自戀暴躁憂鬱展。。為了Kim Rossi Stuart和佛羅倫薩,此生見過的最英俊氣質最優的男人,看到他在片中騎scooter直接就死了>
2 years ago
劇本單薄 超殺女演這樣的角色不太行啊 駕馭不了 最後的Hana Kim好像許晴 然後隨之就是一句Korea will only take the baby not the parents 這是難民救援最黑的一次
3 years ago
竊以為Kim Basinger 已經過了風姿綽約的年紀了,怎麼也沒法把她和小說女主角聯繫在一起。PS:片中那個可愛的小女孩竟然是達寇塔範寧的妹妹,真是天生的美人胚子啊···
1 month ago
馬丁勞倫斯真的是喜感滿滿的哈哈哈!比較驚喜看到Rhea Seehorn!絕命毒師的Kim...真的太美了...當然了必須還有Michael Bay的客串!劇情不重要,老梗鱷魚什麼的,標準的爆米花電影!