
用戶 Sacrtteakeval消防犬 Firehouse Dog 的評價.

3 years ago
狗狗。狗狗。。。love it!呵呵
4 years ago
打卡shake it off啦,超搞笑,娘狗也太可愛了叭!

用戶 Ann校外打怪教學 Little Monsters 的評價.

4 years ago
打卡shake it off啦,超搞笑,娘狗也太可愛了叭!
4 years ago
打卡shake it off啦,超搞笑,娘狗也太可愛了叭!
4 years ago
打卡shake it off啦,超搞笑,娘狗也太可愛了叭!
4 years ago
打卡shake it off啦,超搞笑,娘狗也太可愛了叭!
4 years ago
第一次在電影院笑到肚子痛。開場前還驚訝上映已三週,還是週二下午,上座率竟然90%,看後大呼it's worth it! 狗血,非常狗血,但是太歡樂了
4 years ago
第一次在電影院笑到肚子痛。開場前還驚訝上映已三週,還是週二下午,上座率竟然90%,看後大呼it's worth it! 狗血,非常狗血,但是太歡樂了
2 years ago
2 years ago
“it\'s New York, no one’ll even notice”,Yeah right, NY ppl don\'t care. It was way too much for adults but I think it was okay for a six-year old, well,better than eternals還是太弱智了,感...
2 years ago
“it\'s New York, no one’ll even notice”,Yeah right, NY ppl don\'t care. It was way too much for adults but I think it was okay for a six-year old, well,better than eternals還是太弱智了,感...
2 years ago
“it\'s New York, no one’ll even notice”,Yeah right, NY ppl don\'t care. It was way too much for adults but I think it was okay for a six-year old, well,better than eternals還是太弱智了,感...
2 years ago
“it\'s New York, no one’ll even notice”,Yeah right, NY ppl don\'t care. It was way too much for adults but I think it was okay for a six-year old, well,better than eternals還是太弱智了,感...
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)
2 years ago
House of Pain的Jump Around那段笑死。狗哥的Dynamite和It Ain\'t Nuthin\'不錯。環遊地球來長城了真棒!我太喜歡亞當斯一家了(♡˙︶˙♡)