搜索Painting with Light Nicholas von Sternberg on Josef的結果,共63筆,(花費0.002501秒).

2 years ago
awesome painting but terrible story
4 years ago
B-Movie in which a child is horrifically ripped from a Norman Rockwell painting to confront Communist indoctrination. Thankfully lots of US military hardware is on hand to ensure a...
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
2 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
3 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
2 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
1 month ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
1 month ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
2 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
2 months ago
The way he observes, the way he depicts the mundane moments, the way he manipulates the shadow and light, is unprecedented. “ the painting dissolved, you just stand right in there....
2 years ago
The film reveals that everything cool since the 80\'s can be traced back to Martin Margiela, an influential artist who worked not for fame but for his own enjoyment in life. His ad...
2 years ago
At first Savior feels like a TV episode of Unsolved Mysteries, with its hand-me-down painting as the crux of an eerie account of lost Jesus art. But the crystal ball he holds refle...
2 years ago
An I, Daniel Blake caper, the story of a bus driver, once imprisoned for not paying his TV tax, conducting a Robin Hood-style act of stealing a treasured painting from the British ...
4 years ago
堆砌將近十個gallery talk實在有點多,而且涉及其他部門太少了,三個小時太長。但就像片頭他們自己說的一樣,不管怎樣National Gallery本身擺在那裡所以拍出來也不會差到哪裡去。感覺只是日常而沒有拍出英國和National Gallery的特點挺可惜的。在房頂抗議Shell開採石油No Oil Painting的也太傻了吧。
2 years ago
2 years ago