
11月23日 2007 台灣上映
木村拓哉飾演的久利生公平調職到鄉下六年之後,再次返回「東京地方檢察廳城西支部」,與一班舊同事再度共事,卻馬上遇到前所未有的奇案。 趕著與未婚妻惠美(國仲涼子 飾)見面的裡山(山中聰 飾),被男子圭介(波岡一喜 飾)撞倒而死亡,圭介亦自動歸案,可是在法庭上,圭介否認罪名,並在日本首席大律師蒲生一臣(松本幸四郎 飾)的辯護下,當庭無罪開釋。 表面看來似乎是一宗單...
08月16日 1984 台灣上映
導演: Michael Pattinson 編劇: Jan Sardi 主演: 文斯·科洛斯莫 / Sigrid Thornton 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 澳大利亞 / 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1984-08-16 ...
10月15日 1976 台灣上映
導演: Ivan Nagy 編劇: Don Petersen / George Wislocki 主演: 唐·默裡 / Diahn Williams / 詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯 型別: 劇情 / 驚悚 / 犯罪 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 ...
04月09日 2014 台灣上映
A short film about a dad, a son, and a time-traveling killer android.
10月02日 1992 台灣上映
Bernie Laplante is having a rough time. He's divorced, his ex-wife hates him and has custody of their son, the cops are setting a trap for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe ...
08月03日 2018 台灣上映
A 15 year old aspiring director makes her first short film in an effort to prove that she can one day be one of the best.
06月13日 1993 台灣上映
Danny is obsessed with a fictional movie character action hero Jack Slater. When a magical ticket transports him into Jack's latest adventure, Danny finds himself in a world where ...
04月04日 2014 台灣上映
This love story begins with the mischievous, clever, charming, a daredevil and the HERO who falls in love with Sunaina. How can a Hero’s love story be complete without a villain! S...
01月01日 2015 台灣上映
一名女隨扈在大使館前遭遇車禍身亡,前去勘查的檢察官久利生公平(木村拓哉 飾)及事務官麻木千佳(北川景子 飾),巧遇八年不見的前事務官雨宮舞子(松隆子 飾)。雨宮正在調查一起黑幫行賄案,目前尋線至此。這些不尋常巧合讓他們意識到,這不是一起單純意外!久利生著手調查大使館人員資料,儘管面臨」治外法權」的阻礙但他擇善固執。就算危及國際情勢等不利情況,久利生依然堅持正...
02月04日 2016 台灣上映
As Lulu graduates from the Hero Academy, he finally gets the chance to prove himself a hero to the society that has always doubted him. He sets off on an epic journey to slay the l...
05月13日 2018 台灣上映
Nanami, Jasmine and Houka, who once fought to bring peace to the world, are now happily married and with children. However, the evil that threatens humanity is immortal, and now th...
01月01日 2016 台灣上映
. "이번엔 대사관이다!" 네우스트리아 대사관 근처에서 오사카의 거대 조직폭력단을 둘러싼 사건의 주요 증언자였던 여성이 갑자기 사망하는 의문의 교통사고가 발생한다. 사고를 낸 운전수를 심문하던 도쿄지검의 검사 '쿠리오'(기무라 타쿠야)와 그의 사무관 '아사기'(케이코 기타가와) 앞에 등장한 '쿠리오'의 옛 사무간...
11月01日 2007 台灣上映
히어로 HERO,은 2007에 발표 된 일본 2007 범죄,스릴러 .01 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 스즈키 마사유키가 지배하고 있습니다,기무라 타쿠야,마츠 다카코,마츠모토 코시로 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2007년11월01일에 출시되었습니다. 쿠리우 검사, 일생일대 최대의 위기를 맞다!엉뚱하지만 천재적 사건 해결력을 ...
01月01日 2020 台灣上映
. 심각한 대인기피증이 있는 은둔형 외톨이 히로는 편의점 단골손님이다. 편의점 알바 사나는 매일 똑같은 빵을 사러오는 그에게 자꾸만 말을 건다. 히로는 그녀의 관심이 어리둥절하고 불편하다. 사회적으로 밀려난 이들 사이를 잇는 희미한 연결고리에 힘입은 히로의 무용담. (2020년 제25회 부산국제영화제/ 강소원)
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Melvin, a reluctant hero who is far from super, has been suppressing his telekinetic powers for years with booze, drugs, and women. In the process, he has failed at practically eve...
01月21日 2017 台灣上映
Lee, a former Western film icon, is living a comfortable existence lending his golden voice to advertisements and smoking weed. After receiving a lifetime achievement award and une...
02月17日 1983 台灣上映
An American oil company sends a man to Scotland to buy up an entire village where they want to build a refinery. But things don't go as expected.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Hot brooding football hero Ty Roderick decides to come out of the closet just as football season begins, causing his teammates to bully him on the field. But do their mean spirited...
05月29日 2014 台灣上映
This is for children who couldn't be on their own. And, for the time when you're older and you've forgotten your determination to be on your own.
08月13日 2015 台灣上映
It's not easy being a teenager and Mike, a sixteen-year-old, has it espcially hard. He lives in the sticks with his mother, a non-stop nagger, in Faintville, a Canadian timber indu...