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04月27日 台灣上映
Since young, Cat has looked up to her father who left home when she was ten and never being connected. Years later, they meet again in a crematorium, where Cat is with her nine-yea...
05月01日 台灣上映
The film “Daughter of Dunhuang” tells the story of Fan Jinshi, the third director of the Dunhuang Academy, who dedicated her life to protecting Dunhuang from the age of 25 to 80. T...
05月04日 台灣上映
Based on true events, this film reveals a little-known truth about residential care homes for the disabled that hides beneath the headlines. A news organization’s investigative jou...
04月30日 2022 台灣上映
第4届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉之最佳男演员 The 4th Pingyao International Film Festival Fei Mu Awards for Best Actor Kun seems to be messing up pretty much everything: his senior year at film school, th...
05月01日 2022 台灣上映
第58届金马奖最佳女配角 The 58th Golden Horse Awards for Best Supporting Actress On his 18th birthday, Jan Wen shoots randomly at the crowds in a night market for unknown reasons. The tragic...
05月01日 2022 台灣上映
第22届意大利乌迪内远东电影节观众选择奖银桑树奖 The 22nd Udine Far East Film Festival Audience Award Silver Mulberry 入围第14届FIRST青年电影展七个奖项 Seven Nominations at the 14th FIRST International Film Festival ...
05月02日 2022 台灣上映
In 1990, college student Ing accidently gets pregnant and returns to Lishan to spend the summer with her father. Ing notices the conflicts between her father and the farmers. She m...
05月03日 2022 台灣上映
Indie writer-director Amos Why travels to the far-flung corners of Hong Kong for this sweet coming-of-age romantic comedy. After years as a prominent sidekick, Kaki Shum finally ge...
05月07日 2022 台灣上映
第57届金马奖最佳动画长片 The 57th Golden Horse Awards for Best Animated Feature 2021年台北电影奖杰出技术奖 Taipei Film Awards 2021 for Outstanding Artistic Contribution 第38届芝加哥国际儿童电影节最佳动画首奖 The 38th C...
05月08日 2022 台灣上映
On a dark night, Xueming hits a pedestrian with his car and flees the scene. Desperate to escape his feelings of guilt, he decides to approach the dead man’s wife, Mrs Liang. Meanw...
05月08日 2022 台灣上映
第38届金马奖最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑、观众票选最佳影片 The 38th Golden Horse Awards for Best Director, Best Leading Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Film Editing, Audience Choice Award 第8届香港电...
04月28日 台灣上映
Through a voicemail recorder, we see how a mother processes the grief from the passing of her son and remains resilient throughout her journey. 通过语音留言记录器,我们看到一位母亲如何处理她因儿子去世而经历的悲痛,...
05月04日 台灣上映
It is a tale about Cheung, a cuckolded husband, sent on a wild roller coaster ride of spooky encounters when his wife’s wealthy lover tries to do away with him with the help of bla...
05月01日 台灣上映
After Ling conducts music therapy for her dementia-stricken father, which reveals their dark family history, she must face the conflicts between her and her older sister. 自由奔放的灵,为...
05月03日 台灣上映
Amidst the deep mountain ranges resides a peculiar and feather-footed tiny creature which have existed for over a billion years. Taiwan is home to five unique species of Formosan s...
05月05日 台灣上映
This is a story about the Peking Opera School that Jackie Chan, Samo Hung and Yuen Biao attended as young men. The story is about their teacher Master Yu and his school. 九岁的顽童陈港生出...
05月02日 2022 台灣上映
第5届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉之最佳导演、青年评审荣誉之导演奖 The 5th Pingyao International Fillm Festival Fei Mu Awards for Best Director; Youth Jury Award 2021年布鲁塞尔国际电影节国际竞赛单元评审团奖 Brussels International Film ...
05月03日 2022 台灣上映
第4届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉之最佳影片 The 4th Pingyao International Film Festival Fei Mu Awards for Best Film 2021年哥德堡电影节Ingmar Bergman国际新导演奖 Göteborg Film Festival 2021 The Ingmar Bergman Internat...
05月08日 2022 台灣上映
入围2021年台北电影奖最佳编剧、最佳男主角 Nominated for Best Screenplay, Best Actor at the Taipei Film Awards 2021 An elementary school in the mountains of Taiwan is about to be abolished due to its...
04月28日 台灣上映
A Vietnamese man NGUYEN Quoc Phi became a runaway worker. With his expertise in construction work, he almost saved enough money to return to Vietnam. Unfortunately, in 2017, he was...