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01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Monarchs, like their royal namesake, have a flashy life as they they show off in public with flamboyant colors and dazzling aerobatics. But they also have a private life they just ...
10月12日 2015 台灣上映
Three teenagers go visit a friend at his old farmhouse for the weekend. What they didn't expect was to be stuck in the middle of a centenary war between good and evil.
08月25日 2015 台灣上映
She Lives Her Life is a modern day retelling of Jean-Luc Godard's 1962 film Vivre Sa Vie. The movie is told in 12 chapters as we follow Betsy through a series of relationships and ...
10月13日 2013 台灣上映
Dogs: Their Secret Lives. Channel 4 documentary from 19 Oct. 2013. Mark Evans examines what our dogs get up to while we're out, and how to keep them happy in the modern British hom...
07月06日 2023 台灣上映
นอร่า และ แฮซอง เป็นเพื่อนที่ผูกพันธ์กันอย่างลึกซึ่งในวัยเด็ก ทั้งสองถูกกระชากให้ห่างออกจากกันหลังจากที่ครอบครัวของ นอร่า อพยพออกไปจากเกาหลีใต้ สองทศวรรษต่อมา ทั้งสองกลับมาพบกันอีก...
10月05日 2023 台灣上映
ด้วยความแตกต่างทางวัฒนธรรมของวัยรุ่นสาวลูกครึ่งอินเดียน-อเมริกันคนหนึ่ง ส่งผลให้เธอต้องออกห่างจากเพื่อนสนิทของเธอ และในช่วงนี้เอง เธอก็ได้ปลดปล่อยปีศาจที่เติบโตขึ้นจากการกลืนกินควา...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Explore the secret world of the bodyguards who risk their lives to protect the rich, famous and powerful.
08月24日 2023 台灣上映
Nominated for 2 Academy Awards: - Best Picture - Best Original Screenplay Nora (Greta Lee) and Hae Sung (Teo Yoo), two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrest apart after No...
08月26日 2002 台灣上映
◎簡介 九個朋友躲在一幢古老的蘇格蘭宅邸歡度週末派隊,渾然不知這座建築物有著暴烈的過去。在找到一本記載有房屋歷史的書本後,他們獲知前主人,一位蘇格蘭愛國者在宅邸被強行奪走後,挖出了自己的眼睛。當這群滿腦子裝著娛樂的青年努力將這段可怕故事拋到腦後時,他們遭到離奇行徑的侵襲,直接導致每人陷入...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
01月01日 2011 台灣上映
01月01日 1978 台灣上映
악마의 자식들 It Lives Again,은 1978에 발표 된 미국 1978 공포 영화입니다,영화는 래리 코헨가 지배하고 있습니다,프레드릭 포레스트,캐서린 로이드,존 P. 라이언 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1978년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 악마의 아기들의 아버지였던 프랭크는 조디의 임신 파티 날에 그녀의 아기가...
01月01日 1993 台灣上映
01月01日 2018 台灣上映
. 미열과 미정, 애리와민재는 가족 같은 친구사이다. 이들은 각자의 삶에서 어려움을 마주하고 있다. 게이라는 이유로 혐오 공격을 받는 미정과 애인과 헤어진 민재, 비정규직계약 만료를 앞둔 미열과 원망스러웠던 아버지의 유고를 겪은 애리까지. 미정의 친구 유미는 이들에게 관심을보이며 각자 삶을 인터뷰하고자 한다. (2019...
01月01日 1972 台灣上映
. 퍼포머의 삶'은 두 여자 중 하나를 선택할 수 없는 남자의 딜레마를 조사하고 둘 다 고통스럽게 만드는 내용이다. 이본느 라이너가 창작한 댄스 공연의 일부분이다.(2021년 제21회 서울국제대안영상예술페스티벌)
01月27日 2015 台灣上映
In the midst of an impending drug war, a small group of townsmen band together and set out to reclaim their city.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
With Christmas approaching, a handsome fireman afraid of commitment adopts a stray cat and meets a beautiful veterinary student who challenges his decision to remain a confirmed ba...
06月01日 2014 台灣上映
03月10日 2017 台灣上映
Determined to gatecrash her ex-lover's funeral on glamorous French hideaway Île de Ré, former Hollywood siren Helen escapes her London retirement home with help of repressed Englis...
01月31日 2016 台灣上映
Artist Dryden Goodwin's first feature-length essay film, focuses on four individuals with extraordinary relationships to looking: an international eye surgeon, a NASA planetary exp...