
10月08日 2014 台灣上映
When 22 year old Maggie suddenly collapses into a coma, the doctors diagnose her with a genetic kidney disease. Already in the end stage, she must receive a kidney transplant from ...
09月16日 2016 台灣上映
A repressed agoraphobic's daughter meets a hardened pastor's daughter, and while escaping their homes to fix a broken camera they end up en route to attend an annual church youth g...
09月16日 2016 台灣上映
A repressed agoraphobic's daughter meets a hardened pastor's daughter, and while escaping their homes to attend the annual church youth group jamboree they discover their worlds ar...
10月29日 2020 台灣上映
라스트 시크릿 Last Moment of Clarity,은 2020에 발표 된 미국 2020 미스터리,스릴러 .29 영화입니다,영화는 콜린 크라이즐,제임스 크라이즐가 지배하고 있습니다,사마라 위빙,잭 에이버리,브라이언 콕스 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2020년10월29일에 출시되었습니다. 3년 전 죽었던 그녀를 마주...
01月01日 2015 台灣上映
05月22日 2020 台灣上映
《弒婚遊戲》薩瑪拉威明從影最大尺度火辣演出 《宿怨》王牌監製最新懸疑驚悚力作 劇情翻轉燒腦直逼希區考克《迷魂記》《後窗》   山姆(查克艾弗瑞 飾)是一個平凡的紐約人,但在女友喬治婭(薩瑪拉威明 飾)慘遭保加利亞黑幫謀殺後,他的生活一片混亂。爲了躲避殺他女友的那幫人,山姆逃到了巴黎。三年後,山姆偶然在電影院銀幕上看見一個長得跟喬治婭一模一樣的...