搜索Esmeralda Mitre的結果,共6筆,(花費0.001689秒).

08月26日 2022 台灣上映
A Tadeo le encantaría que sus colegas arqueólogos le aceptasen como a uno más, pero siempre acaba liándola: destroza un sarcófago y desata un conjuro que pone en peligro la vida de...
10月25日 2019 台灣上映
2019墨西哥奧斯卡「阿里爾獎」奪最佳處女電影獎導演提名 2019墨西哥奧斯卡「阿里爾獎」最佳女主角提名 墨西哥電影界最高榮譽「墨西哥電影電視藝術學院獎」提名 比《我不笨,我有話要說》更感人的溫馨催淚片  最佛心的阿嬤,豬年行大運 豬儂我儂,有阿嬤疼的小豬最窩心、像個寶   年度必看的感人溫馨催淚電影 內含洋蔥讓人揪心落淚 隨著丈夫的去世和她兒子不在身旁,...
01月01日 2022 台灣上映
Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell, endangering the lives of his friends Mummy, Jeff, and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adv...
01月01日 2022 台灣上映
Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up. Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancie...
01月01日 2022 台灣上映
Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell, endangering the lives of his friends Mummy, Jeff, and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adv...
01月01日 2022 台灣上映
Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up. Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancie...