搜索Four Brothers的結果,共245筆,(花費0.001304秒).

01月01日 2010 台灣上映
◎片長85 Mins ◎導演John Langridge ◎主演Martin Compston … Lover ...
09月04日 2018 台灣上映
After Sophie and Jessica had witnessed a brutal crime when they were kids, Jessica promised her younger sister Sophie: "I will always protect you!" Growing older, this promise beca...
06月23日 2006 台灣上映
Jenny is young. Her life is over. She killed someone. And she would do it again. When an 80-year-old piano teacher discovers the girl’s secret, her brutality and her dreams, she de...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
It's Ted the Bellhop's first night on the job...and the hotel's very unusual guests are about to place him in some outrageous predicaments. It seems that this evening's room servic...
03月20日 2014 台灣上映
James prepares for his eighth grade oral exams while his family is going through different times.
07月24日 2025 台灣上映
09月13日 2013 台灣上映
根據被提名美國普利策文學獎的Christopher Shinn的同名戲劇“4”改編,講述在7月4日這一晚,四個關係錯綜複雜的人之間的情慾糾葛。已婚但並不幸福的中年教授與網上認識的少年,教授叛逆的女兒和前高中明星如今的毒販:四個人趕赴兩個約會,結果無意撞到。在發生各種情感碰撞後他們決定劃出一條界線,讓自己在這個國慶夜徹底放縱一次...◎QAF
01月01日 2007 台灣上映
여인들 Four,은 2007에 발표 된 슬로바키아 2007 애니메이션 영화입니다,영화는 이바나 세베스토바가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 2007년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 1937년의 어느 봄날. 한 가수의 콘서트는 4명의 여인네들의 삶을 비극으로 몰아가는데 이들 사이엔 우연의 일치 이상의 것이 있다.
01月01日 2010 台灣上映
11月08日 台灣上映
Synopsis is not available.
01月01日 2007 台灣上映
導演: Charles Dennis 編劇: Charles Dennis 主演: Ross Benjamin / Samuel Gould / Charlene Blaine 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2007 ...
09月15日 2010 台灣上映
Mutual attraction leads two married couples to swap bedtime partners.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Brad and Kate have made something of an art form out of avoiding their families during the holidays, but this year their foolproof plan is about go bust -- big time. Stuck at the c...
08月11日 2005 台灣上映
他們的養母伊芙琳·默瑟(Evelyn Mercer)(Fionnula Flanagan)在密歇根州高地公園的一家便利店看似隨機謀殺,將四兄弟帶回密歇根州底特律,以瞭解發生了什麼事。最初的印像是,犯罪是一次簡單的搶劫 -錯了,兄弟倆很快發現搶劫僅僅是掩蓋伊芙琳的一擊。這次揭露之後,鮑比(馬克·華伯格),安吉爾(泰瑞斯&m...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. As the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clas...
02月07日 2014 台灣上映
Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” revolves around a 13-year-old chess whiz drawn into the Cape Town’s well-known child-gang culture. Touted as the first film to delve into th...
01月01日 2014 台灣上映
Comedy - Keith Robinson, Christian Keyes, Robin Givens
01月01日 1997 台灣上映
The film revolves around four female friends (Amina, Safynaz, Shahenda and Wedad) from Egypt with opposing religious, social, and political views in modern day Egypt. The four wome...
01月01日 2018 台灣上映
04月13日 1996 台灣上映
포룸 Four Rooms,은 1996에 발표 된 미국 98분, 청소년관람불가 1996 코미디 1996.04.13 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 앨리슨 앤더스,알렉산더 록웰,로버트 로드리게즈,쿠엔틴 타란티노가 지배하고 있습니다,안토니오 반데라스,마돈나,팀 로스 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1996년04월13일에 출시되었습니다. ...