搜索Genius Detective Mitarai Abstruse Case File的結果,共58筆,(花費0.002173秒).

04月30日 2021 台灣上映
Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward, Angel" was accepted for publication. The only trouble was that it was overlong and had to be reduced. Wolfe agreed and was helped by editor Max Perki...
04月13日 2017 台灣上映
03月02日 2022 台灣上映
Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward, Angel" was accepted for publication. The only trouble was that it was overlong and had to be reduced. Wolfe agreed and was helped by editor Max Perki...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
A young mad genius attempts to 'hack the human mind' in order to fix humanity.
08月07日 1985 台灣上映
01月01日 2005 台灣上映
10月03日 2008 台灣上映
In this David vs. Goliath drama based on a true story, college professor Robert Kearns (Greg Kinnear) goes up against the giants of the auto industry when they fail to give him cre...
05月01日 2017 台灣上映
Late one night, Henry returns home from a long day’s work. Whilst his family sleep soundly upstairs, he wanders around the house, longing to break free from the ‘perfect’ world he’...
01月01日 2017 台灣上映
. 긴급 뉴스! “올해 시험을 주관하는 STIC 협회가 부정행위를 발각해 큰 논란이 있었습니다. 몇몇 아시아 국가에서 시험지가 유출됐다는…” 천재소녀 ‘린’이 설계한 완벽한 답안지 모두가 원하는 그녀의 답안지로 전세계를 속여라! 시차를 이용한 완벽한 계획 거금이 걸린 천재의 위험한 신종(?) 학업 비즈니...
01月01日 2007 台灣上映
신동 Genius, 神童,은 2007에 발표 된 일본 2007 드라마 영화입니다,영화는 하기우다 코지가 지배하고 있습니다,나루미 리코,마츠야마 켄이치,테즈카 사토미 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2007년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 피아노 신동, 13살 소녀 우타. 그러나 그녀는 더이상 피아노 연주가 즐겁지 않다. 학교...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Jimmy Neutron is a boy genius and way ahead of his friends, but when it comes to being cool, he's a little behind. All until one day when his parents, and parents all over Earth ar...
02月16日 2016 台灣上映
該片由邁克爾·格蘭達吉(Michael Grandage)導演,描寫了美國大作家托馬斯·沃爾夫與他的圖書編輯麥克斯·珀金斯之間的友誼。 托馬斯·沃爾夫(Thomas Wolfe)是美國20世紀30年代的著名作家,也是上世紀最偉大作家之一,代表作有...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Narrated by Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons| The Genius of George Boole assembles academics and industry leaders from across the globe to explore the life andimportance of one of ...
07月21日 2017 台灣上映
2017 年泰國破億票房冠軍 上映2週賣破1億臺幣 口碑爆棚 好評如潮 為求高分 各出奇招 影評盛讚為校園青春版《出神入化》和《決勝21點》 考生必看!老師必知!壞天才的絕對滿分保證班 不用衝刺也嗨趴 《戀愛疹療中》金獎製作團隊 轟動泰國最新話題神作 真人實事改編 遠赴雪梨拍攝 跨海偷答案 全球來連線 泰國潛力新導演 X 高顏值新生代明星 全新組合...
01月01日 1985 台灣上映
21세기 두뇌 게임 Real Genius,은 1985에 발표 된 1985 영화입니다,영화는 마샤 쿨리지가 지배하고 있습니다,스테이시 페랄타,다니엘 아데스,에드 라우터 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1985년01월01일에 출시되었습니다.
01月01日 2017 台灣上映
《世紀天才》(Genius),描述著名物理學家阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)動盪的人生旅程。該劇將深入探索愛因斯坦在處理親密關係時所表現出的時而熱情洋溢時而冷酷無情心態,這些關係包括了他的小孩、前後兩任妻子、及與他發生婚外情的各個不同的女人。劇情素材主要來源於Walter Isaacson所著傳記《愛因斯坦-他的人生 他的宇宙》(Ein...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Few guitarists in the jazz idiom have reached the level of virtuosity that Joe Pass established and refined throughout his career. His playing in group settings was flawless, but h...
10月24日 1985 台灣上映
Siskel and Ebert once ran a special show entitled "Movies I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Liked." I suppose that if I composed such a list of guilty pleasures, this one would be one of ...
09月14日 2016 台灣上映
真人真事傳記改編,全球知名作家的幕後推手!麥斯威爾柏金斯(柯林佛斯 飾)是二十世紀最富傳奇性與盛名的編輯,他在紐約史克萊柏納出版社任職期間,力排眾多反對聲浪,出版費茲傑羅及海明威的作品,讓兩人成為廣受注目的暢銷作家,更成為文學史上的超級巨擘。一天,柏金斯收到一疊厚達60公分的小說手稿時,頓時對這位神祕不知名的作家湯瑪斯沃爾夫(裘德洛 飾)充滿好奇,柏金斯感受...
10月01日 2020 台灣上映
디어 마이 지니어스 Dear My Genius,은 2020에 발표 된 한국 2020 다큐멘터리 영화입니다,영화는 구윤주가 지배하고 있습니다,구윤영,구윤주,문선숙 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2020년10월01일에 출시되었습니다. “나도 언니처럼 영재가 되고 싶어”영재가 되는 것이 꿈이자 목표인 여덟 살 막냇동생 '윤...