搜索Herman Wouk的結果,共11筆,(花費0.001400秒).

01月01日 1990 台灣上映
In a suburban school, after killing 39 students, 2 teachers, and a police officer, 16 year old Herman Howards takes the time to email his idol, journalist Lax Morales, clips of the...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
헤르만의 승리 Herman,은 1990에 발표 된 노르웨이 1990 드라마 영화입니다,영화는 에릭 구스타브슨가 지배하고 있습니다,앤더스 다니엘슨 라이,프랭크 로버트,엘리자베스 샌드 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1990년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 1961년, 헤르만(Herman: 앤더스 다니엘슨 리 분)은 아빠(The...
01月20日 2015 台灣上映
After an accident Herman learns that the suffers from a very rare illness which causes him that the emotion "fear" falls out whereby he is forced to try out all phobias to become n...
08月12日 2018 台灣上映
Herman's quiet, colourful world is suddenly interrupted by something loud and stressy.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
'What kind of house does a man who has been imprisoned in a six-foot-by-nine-foot cell for over 30 years dream of?' This film captures the remarkable creative journey and friendshi...
04月30日 2014 台灣上映
02月05日 2015 台灣上映
Master chef Sergio Herman feels he needs to let go of his 3-star restaurant Oud Sluis in order to fulfill his dreams. A revealing story about perfection, ambition and sacrifices.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
01月01日 2015 台灣上映
. 공포를 전혀 느끼지 못하는 "Kahnawake syndrome"을 진단을 받은 헤르만. 병을 극복하기 위해서, 모든 공포를 체험해 본다. (2016년 제18회 쇼트쇼츠국제단편영화제)
01月01日 2015 台灣上映
03月19日 2011 台灣上映
◎導演Marty Callner ◎主演保羅·雷賓斯 Paul Reubens ....Pee-Wee Herman 傑西·加西亞 ...