搜索Home Sweet Home Alone的結果,共707筆,(花費0.001310秒).

01月01日 2007 台灣上映
01月01日 2013 台灣上映
08月27日 2018 台灣上映
A homeless teenager accepts his faith and lives on the streets of the desert. He does not care about his life anymore. He then meets another homeless, and they both team up to surv...
05月14日 2013 台灣上映
A young married couple experiences the ultimate nightmare when they return home to find an unexpected guest. Trapped by a deranged, methodical killer in their own home, the couple ...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
導演: Joaquin F. Palma 主演: Zachary Ryan Block / Ray Rozmiarek / Kamila Korz / Tammy De Kauwe / Amanda Mangum / Don Simkovich 型別: 恐怖 製片國家/地區:...
05月01日 2021 台灣上映
A family of four lead harmonious and contented lives. When a mysterious visitor starts residing in their basement, their lives are turned upside down as strange events begin to occ...
01月01日 2013 台灣上映
07月19日 2018 台灣上映
A broken fairytale depicting a crucial moment in the life of Alina, a 20-year-old "million dollars baby" from Kyiv, whose passion for football has a chance of saving her from pover...
07月25日 2010 台灣上映
A woman will go to whatever lengths necessary to obtain her dream home with a view of the sea. This includes driving down the property value and decreasing the occupancy rate by ki...
06月29日 2018 台灣上映
A gay couple are going through marital troubles made worse when a previously unknown grandson shows up.
01月01日 2014 台灣上映
The home where we live is also the home of thousands of living beings. Even if they escape our sight, their tracks and sounds reflect their constant presence among us.
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Home is the story of a man named Jack| suffering from mental illness| whose goal is to move out of the group home where he resides and into a home of his own. Bydoing so he hopes t...
02月15日 1982 台灣上映
編劇: Johnny Carson / Robert S. Fiveson 主演: Johnny Carson 型別: 紀錄片 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 首播: 1982-02-15 單集片長: 9...
01月01日 1953 台灣上映
導演: George Marshall 編劇: 達蒙·魯尼恩 型別: 喜劇 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1953 片長: 100 分鐘 又名: 糊塗笨蛋(港) IMDb連結:...
01月01日 1946 台灣上映
Andy and his dog, Milo, share their house with an obnoxious rodent who enjoys tormenting the two above anything else. Finally, the two decide the only way they can rid themselves o...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
In Chelsea McMullan’s documentary-musical, My Prairie Home, indie singer Rae Spoon takes us on a playful, meditative and at times melancholic journey. Set against majestic images o...
01月01日 1967 台灣上映
一個異想天開的故事,有一位名叫 Hank Dussard 的美國年輕人,他突然之間繼承了一個橄欖農場,這個農場位於風景如詩如畫的法國南部鄉間,但是卻已經荒廢已久,Hank 下定決心要讓這個農場重新運作起來,即使當地的 Sylvain 神父和一位女郎 Maria Riserau 都給他一些勸他三思的忠告,但是他還是一心要完成這計畫。偏偏在這地方根本就僱不到適當...
01月01日 2003 台灣上映
즐거운 우리집 Home Sweet Home,은 2003에 발표 된 한국 2003 드라마 영화입니다,영화는 엄혜정가 지배하고 있습니다,박남희,동방우,정보훈 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2003년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 어느 비오는 날 저녁, 아빠와 엄마 그리고 지수가 심각한 얼굴로 TV를 보고 있다. 굵어지는 빗소리...
11月24日 2023 台灣上映
《多桑不在家》的導演兼演員齊藤工執導,漥田正孝、蓮佛美沙子、奈緒及漥塚洋介合作演出,齊藤工首度挑戰恐怖懸疑題材,故事聚焦在主角漥田正孝為了家人買了一棟溫暖的新房子,搬入新居後卻發生一連串恐怖事件,並不斷向外擴散,原應該是溫暖甜蜜的家,卻變成充滿不安恐怖的屋子,故事充滿了被窺視的恐怖感受。 看清藏在這個「家」裡的秘密吧!千萬別轉過頭去! 日本長野的冬天漫長...
01月01日 2014 台灣上映
. 감독인 나딘 나우스는 베이루트 남부에 위치한 혁신학교의 교장인 아버지가 경제적인 어려움에 처해있다는 소식을 듣고 고향 레바논으로 향한다. 평생 가르치는 일에 열정을 갖고 학교를 사랑했던 아버지이기에 학교를 잃게 되면 살 수 없을 것이라고 생각했던 감독은 아버지가 왜 가족들 모르게 사태를 키웠으며, 왜 이 모든 문제를...