搜索KKN 2 Badarawuhi di Desa Penari的結果,共13筆,(花費0.002401秒).

03月29日 2022 台灣上映
Seorang laki-laki yang dikenal dengan sebutan Simpleman, mendapatkan sebuah kisah menyeramkan. Berawal dari 5 mahasiswa yang harus melaksanakan KKN di sebuah desa terpencil, Nur (T...
09月22日 2022 台灣上映
Six students who had to carry out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate that leading to the mysterious place that may related to the fi...
05月12日 2022 台灣上映
Six students who had carried out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate leading to the mysterious place that may be related to the figur...
05月05日 2022 台灣上映
Nur, Bima, Ayu, Widya are among the people in a group that is undergoing KKN at Desa Penari. Unfortunately, things do not go smoothly for them there as they begin to experience sup...
04月22日 2022 台灣上映
Seorang laki-laki yang dikenal dengan sebutan Simpleman, mendapatkan sebuah kisah menyeramkan. Berawal dari 5 mahasiswa yang harus melaksanakan KKN di sebuah desa terpencil, Nur (T...
06月06日 台灣上映
The village still holds many mysteries. Piece by piece of mystery is revealed, including the terror of the most feared entity, namely, Badarawuhi.
12月22日 2022 台灣上映
Nur, Bima, Ayu, Widya are among the people in a group that is undergoing KKN at Desa Penari. Unfortunately, things do not go smoothly for them there as they begin to experience sup...
04月10日 台灣上映
Synopsis is not available.
10月14日 2022 台灣上映
"Air selalu mengalir ke Timur, di Timur semua hal berkumpul, dari yang baik sampai yang buruk hingga yang paling buruk", sebuah pepatah Jawa diutarakan ibu Widya tepat sebelum dia ...
01月05日 2023 台灣上映
Six students who had carried out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate leading to the mysterious place that may be related to the figur...
01月05日 2023 台灣上映
Nur, Bima, Ayu, Widya are among the people in a group that is undergoing KKN at Desa Penari. Unfortunately, things do not go smoothly for them there as they begin to experience sup...
07月22日 2022 台灣上映
Sáu học sinh tới một ngôi làng hẻo lánh để thực hiện chương trình công ích. Họ không biết rằng đây là vùng đất của những linh hồn bị mắc kẹt dưới sự cai trị của Badarawuhi – một li...
05月24日 台灣上映
超越《阿凡達》!影史最賣座印尼電影正宗續作 全新恐懼來襲!強勢登頂印尼票房冠軍 台灣影史最賣座印尼電影《屍禁》導演再創恐懼巔峰   為了拯救罹患重病的母親,女大學生米拉(莫迪埃夫羅西娜 飾)跟一群朋友前往偏遠的山村「舞者村」,要將母親收藏的手環歸還給守護當地的妖怪「巴達拉烏希」(奧若拉莎拉 飾),結果卻意外引發一連串恐怖的遭遇……。