搜索Marianne JeanBaptiste的結果,共6筆,(花費0.001909秒).

01月13日 2023 台灣上映
Marianne is the heroine of the day and a young journalist has come to do a feature on her. The interview triggers evasive reactions and misunderstandings, yet a fleeting, tenuous, ...
01月01日 1955 台灣上映
나의 청춘 마리안느 Marianne of My Youth, Marianne de ma jeunesse,은 1955에 발표 된 프랑스, 1955 로맨스,멜로,드라마 영화입니다,영화는 쥘리앙 뒤비비에가 지배하고 있습니다,마리안느 홀드,피에르 바넥,이자벨 피아 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1955년01월01일에 출시되었습니다...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
45歲的Krister的妻子Eva剛在一起車禍中不幸喪生,現在他和18歲的女兒Sandra以及6個月大的女嬰住在一起。Sandra對他恨之入骨,而他更是不知該如何照顧女嬰。 每個夜晚他都被Eva去世那晚的噩夢所煩擾,揮之不去的還有做為一個不合格的...
01月01日 2019 台灣上映
When a novelist realizes her terrifying stories are coming true, she returns to her hometown to face the demons from her past that inspire her writing.
01月01日 1971 台灣上映
After their parents divorce, one daughter lives with her mother in England while the other lives with her father in Portugal. After the untimely death of her mother, the one daught...
01月01日 2019 台灣上映