搜索Postcards from the Edge的結果,共16筆,(花費0.001258秒).

10月26日 1979 台灣上映
An American group of exchange students come to Paris to study the language and culture for a year. The film depicts the various interactions between the students and the instructor...
04月10日 2018 台灣上映
This is a film made by the some of the 48% who voted Remain. The film is of the 48% and for the 48%. It is their story, feelings and reasons for remain, made totally from their per...
03月31日 2018 台灣上映
Postcards From London tells the story of beautiful teenager Jim who, having travelled from the suburbs, finds himself in Soho where he falls in with a gang of unusual high class ma...
01月01日 2015 台灣上映
09月12日 1990 台灣上映
Substance-addicted Hollywood actress Suzanne Vale is on the skids. After a spell at a detox centre her film company insists as a condition of continuing to employ her that she live...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
"During my stay, I met so many amazing people, one of which was my guide Yevgein, also known as a 'Stalker'. We spent the week together exploring Chernobyl and the nearby abandoned...
09月02日 2011 台灣上映
從很小的時候起,妹妹(朱琳 飾)就被父母拋棄成為了孤兒,幸運的是,遠在澳大利亞,有一個名叫蘭德爾(蓋·皮爾斯 Guy Pearce 飾)的紳士出手相助,妹妹才能在孤兒院過上衣食無憂的生活。妹妹從未見過她的救命恩人,她對蘭德爾的所有了解都侷限於後者寄給她的各種各樣漂亮的卡片之中,在妹妹的印象裡,蘭德爾住在一幢大房子裡,家庭幸福,富有又善良。 ...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
헐리웃 스토리 Postcards From The Edge,은 1990에 발표 된 미국 1990 코미디 영화입니다,영화는 마이크 니콜스가 지배하고 있습니다,셜리 맥클레인,메릴 스트립,콘라드 베인 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1990년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 여배우로서의 실패와 대배우인 엄마의 영향을 벗어날 수 없는 ...
10月04日 2013 台灣上映
導演: Rajeev Dassani 編劇: Conrad Goode 主演: 喬納森·班克斯 / 拜莉·麥迪遜 / 約翰·C·麥金雷 / 勞拉·貝爾·邦迪 / 切德·弗斯特 型別: 劇情 官方網站: http://www.watercolorpostcardsthemovie.com ...
01月22日 2015 台灣上映
01月01日 1980 台灣上映
프랑스 연인들 French Postcards, Wer geht denn noch zur Uni?,은 1980에 발표 된 프랑스, 1980 코미디 영화입니다,영화는 윌러드 휴익가 지배하고 있습니다,데이빗 마샬 그랜트,마일스 채핀,블랑시 베이커 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1980년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 1989년...
09月12日 1990 台灣上映
01月01日 2009 台灣上映
一群熱戀臺灣的影像工作者,花了兩年的時間,扛著HD高畫質攝影機及機械手臂等器材,走遍全島,耐心的等待拍下臺灣各個角落最美的時刻。「來自臺灣的明信片」透過最真實的影像記錄,串起所有的感動與讚嘆,重新定義臺灣自然與人文的內在精神價值,全面改寫你我的臺灣印象! ...